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This category contains 3 posts

The Word of the Month: Inspiration

It is official; I’m burnt out, and not in the way you may think. The slew of 15 videos coming from CreMedia in the past 15 weeks has rendered me useless. No not really, but the endless nights of negative sleep and filling the entirety of my mind with business and creative world concepts has definetly … Continue reading

Will Rap 4 Food – Jean P (Gravy Post)

Friend and former CreMedia client Jean P dropped his latest project “Will Rap 4 Food” on May 28th, and I’m pretty upset with myself that I haven’t commented on this within the blog yet. Progression is this man’s story, and perseverance his claim to fame. Not only does he showcase the progression of his rhyming … Continue reading

Compiling and Creating

With a break from work comes the realization that I need to buffer my personal presence on the web. As I’m generally softspoken, finding the way to design and label has been a grueling process, even more so than actually creating content. But hold up folks, it is only the first day.