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Making “Something”

Ahh glorious. The spring has arrived, and with the coming of spring comes my friend Nate Marshall climbing rocks, Pat skateboarding, students playing sports, and beautiful weather all the way around. It was on one such day like this where my friends were getting activated that I decided to lug my XL2 to the ridges … Continue reading

CreMrigs and Mudboarding: A Teaser

The blog is live, and ready to take the internet by storm! Thanks to Jéan P the emcee for the title, cause this blog wouldn’t have been completed upon graduation next year if I had to sit and think of one. However, I want to let everyone bask in the gravy of this edit that … Continue reading

Compiling and Creating

With a break from work comes the realization that I need to buffer my personal presence on the web. As I’m generally softspoken, finding the way to design and label has been a grueling process, even more so than actually creating content. But hold up folks, it is only the first day.